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How AR is fast becoming the future in marketing

AR is redefining the way we engage consumers, as it allows people to experience extraordinary things in their everyday lives.
Sarah Latham

Sarah Latham

3 minute read
November 17, 2022
AR is redefining the way we engage consumers, as it allows people to experience extraordinary things in their everyday lives.
How AR is fast becoming the future in marketing Image

It sometimes feels like new developments in marketing are happening so often that it’s difficult for us to keep up. Many of these are short-lived gimmicks that end up disappearing without a trace, but every now and then a real game changer comes on the scene. And augmented reality (AR) is just that. A true game changer in the world of marketing.


The future for fundraising

AR is redefining the way we engage consumers, as it allows people to experience extraordinary things in their everyday lives. And when charities use AR experience to help someone see the world in a different way, that’s when they can effectively inspire action and drive donations.

Take Save the Children, who launched an AR campaign to raise awareness and drive donations for their East African Appeal. They did this using a digital message embedded in their newsletter, mailed to around 240,000 supporters. All recipients needed to do was download the free Aurasma app and point their smartphone camera at the newsletter to watch an immersive video about the charity’s life-saving work. This was followed by the option to click through to Save The Children’s website and make a donation.


The potential to enhance education

The way we learn changes constantly. And AR is set to dramatically transform the way young people learn today. Textbooks can be transformed by turning static graphics and images into immersive, interactive experiences. Complicated science concepts start to become a lot more engaging when you can explore inside the human body or take a deep dive beneath the earth’s crust using augmented reality.

One AR experience already enhancing the learning experience for astronomy students is the SkyView app, which allows students to explore the universe using AR overlays of the night sky. All students need to do is aim their smartphone skywards to discover stars, constellations, planets and satellites.


New breakthroughs in healthcare

Augmented reality is already allowing us to make new breakthroughs in healthcare and medicine. Not only can it do things like provide surgeons with ‘x-ray vision’ when performing complicated surgeries, but it can also change the experience for patients who often struggle when describing their symptoms to doctors.

Microsoft HoloLens is one such AR device that’s allowing health professionals to walk inside the components of the human body to learn how to treat different medical conditions. It’s already enabling medical institutions to provide continuous learning and widespread knowledge sharing, without needing subject matter experts to be physically present.


AR is rapidly changing how we communicate and interact with each other. And as the technology continues to mature and develop, the impact it can have across a variety of sectors is set to expand.

Feeling inspired to explore how your organisation can harness the power of AR in marketing? Get in touch and we’d love to work with you on your exciting new venture!