
How to get your charity’s voice heard in the run up to a general election

Written by Clare Lydon | Jun 11, 2024 9:33:32 AM

All the political parties are busy setting out their stalls on things like tax, the NHS and defence - hoping to convince people to vote for them come election day.

But what about the other issues that really matter to people? Issues like child poverty, homelessness, domestic abuse. Who is advocating for these?

Well, that’s where you come in.

It’s well known that charities play an important role in advocating for policy change. And general elections are a great time to get your voice heard. There’s a real opportunity to capitalise on the heightened public interest in important issues to get your cause on the political agenda and into the public consciousness.

We’ve pulled together some of the best examples we’ve seen, along with some ideas on how to get your voice heard in the run up to the general election...