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How to leverage sustainable marketing

In the age of eco-conscious consumers and environmental urgency, sustainable marketing isn’t just a trend – it’s a game-changer.
Melanie Hurst

Melanie Hurst

3 minute read
August 1, 2024
In the age of eco-conscious consumers and environmental urgency, sustainable marketing isn’t just a trend – it’s a game-changer.
How to leverage sustainable marketing Image

As an organisation deeply invested in societal impact, embracing sustainable practices in our marketing is more than just good practice; it’s a strategic imperative.

We’re passionate about leveraging our creative expertise to make a difference. Here’s how you can do the same in your organisation…


Understand your impact

Before you can market your organisation’s sustainability efforts, you need to understand your environmental impact. This is where conducting a sustainability audit is a really good idea, as it will enable you to identify areas where you can do things like reduce carbon emissions and waste.

One of our agency’s strategic pillars is to do good in the world – not only through our impactful work for non-profits but through our work practices. We’ve recently established a comprehensive carbon reduction plan, spanning everything from our website hosting to employee commuting practices. This holistic approach ensures we're addressing sustainability at every level of our organisation, and keeps us accountable as we work towards a more sustainable future for our agency.


Set achievable goals

Becoming a truly sustainable business a marathon, not a sprint. At Eleven, we believe in the power of small steps to work towards achieving good environmental standards. By focusing on measurable actions, we can track our progress and be transparent about where we are and where want to go. This approach allows us to see the real impact we’re making and helps us stay accountable to our goals.

Communicating honestly with your audience is crucial - vague promises won’t cut it. Instead, be specific about what your organisation aims to achieve and by when, making sure those goals are achievable. This not only builds trust but it provides a roadmap for your marketing efforts going forward.


Cultivate your mindset

Sustainable marketing isn’t just about outputs. It should be a crucial component of your organisation’s culture, influencing and shaping every choice you make. This shift in mindset is vital in making sustainability your priority, and keeping you on track to effect lasting change.

At Eleven, we encourage environmental and sustainable thinking in everything we do. This includes incorporating sustainability discussions in our 360 events – an internal events programme promoting our employees’ wellbeing - which include organising outdoor activities to connect with nature, promoting upcycling of materials, and challenging our team to think differently and creatively about all aspects of their work.


Align business growth with your values

Havas Lynx recently lost its B Corp status after working with Shell – an oil giant whose practices are often at odds with sustainability values. This partnership raised questions about Havas’ commitment to environmental stewardship, which ultimately eroded the trust of their clients and the public. The lesson to be learned here is that aligning with your business values your values preserves your organisation’s credibility and trustworthiness.

As the Sales and Marketing Lead for Eleven, I understand just how important it is for our agency to stay true to what we believe in. Sometimes, this means saying no to projects that don't support our mission to create a sustainable future. While it can sometimes be challenging, this commitment ultimately strengthens our brand and attracts clients who share our values.


Embrace digital technology

Traditional print marketing requires a significant amount of physical resources – paper, ink, and various chemicals for printing processes. Producing and distributing these materials involves deforestation, water consumption, the use of harmful substances, and CO2 emitting transportation for distribution. In contrast, digital marketing relies primarily on electronic devices, data use and an internet connection, which – although not entirely without impact – require far fewer physical resources and a much lower carbon footprint.

This is why we've created Unbound - our initiative to encourage digital-first publications. As an entirely web-based document service, Unbound is designed exclusively for on-screen use, further reducing our (and our clients’) reliance on printing and physical materials. Embracing digital documents over PDF is a simple but really effective step in moving towards a greener future.


Whether you’re a small charity or a large public sector organisation, it’s time to turn those green ambitions into action. Lead by example and make sustainability not just a strategy but a way of life for your organisation.

If you’re interested in getting started on your sustainable marketing journey, let’s chat.