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Why email should form a key part of your internal marketing strategy

The beauty of email is that it doesn’t require the recipient to immediately stop what they’re doing and lose focus.
Melanie Hurst

Melanie Hurst

2 minute read
September 7, 2022
The beauty of email is that it doesn’t require the recipient to immediately stop what they’re doing and lose focus.
Why email should form a key part of your internal marketing strategy Image

The key to keeping employees focused and informed is to treat them like ‘internal customers’. By doing this, you’re essentially making sure that they feel better engaged with your organisation and can therefore become champions of your brand.

While there are many different tools and tactics you can use to achieve this, the most effective is a smart use of email marketing. Here’s why…



The best form of contact in a hybrid world

The pandemic gave rise to remote and hybrid working arrangements, and it’s clear this way of working is very much here to stay. Email marketing is a great way of remotely keeping in touch with teams, wherever they’re working from that day. It creates a feeling of connectedness. And by helping to cultivate a sense of belonging to your organsation’s culture, this in turn could improve both morale and staff retention.

Creating engagement and interaction

As well as sharing things like important policy updates, employee recognition messages and training opportunities, internal email can be a great place to share things like surveys and polls that require a bit of a response from your employees. Interacting with your emails not only helps your staff to better retain the information you’re sharing with them but will also give them a greater sense of involvement in what your organisation is doing.

Balancing internal updates with productivity

Meetings in the workplace can sometimes feel a bit endless, and they often take a bit of a hit on your work and productivity. Email is a great means of keeping staff informed without interrupting their work schedule. The beauty of email is that it doesn’t require the recipient to immediately stop what they’re doing and lose focus. They can simply choose to read and respond at a time that’s convenient for them.


If you’re looking for guidance on getting the most out of emails, check out our blog on getting better results from your email marketing strategy.