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Why strategy is the key to great creative

You’re planning to go on holiday. You’ve packed your bags, loaded everything into the car and got the playlist ready to go.
Sarah Latham

Sarah Latham

3 minute read
August 28, 2024
You’re planning to go on holiday. You’ve packed your bags, loaded everything into the car and got the playlist ready to go.
Why strategy is the key to great creative Image

You drive away, full of enthusiasm, until it dawns on you that you haven’t actually chosen a destination, mapped out the route, or checked for traffic. Before you know it, you’re driving around in circles, running out of fuel and patience, and wonder why you even set off in the first place.

“Who would do anything that ludicrous?” I hear you ask. While this scenario of course sounds absurd when applied to a road trip, it’s a surprisingly common approach in the world of creative work. Too often, organisations are keen to jump straight into the creative process without having a clear sense of direction. The result is a lot of effort, energy and money spent but little to show for it. While the creative output might be visually impressive, without a solid strategy underpinning it, that pretty picture essentially becomes meaningless.

Let’s explore why starting with a solid strategy is the key to truly effective creative…


The power of purpose

At its core, strategy is about understanding the “why” behind your creative. You should always start by asking yourself: Why are you creating this campaign or piece of content? What do you want to achieve? Who are you trying to reach, and what do they care about? Answering these is essential for grounding your creative work in a clear purpose.

When you start with strategy, you’re not just creating for the sake of it – you’re designing with intent. Every decision, from the colour palette to the messaging, is informed by a deep understanding of your objectives and audience. This clarify of purpose ensures that your creative isn’t just visually appealing but designed to help you achieve your desired outcomes.


A catalyst for creativity

Strategy doesn’t often strike people as the sexiest part of the creative process. It doesn’t come with the instant gratification of seeing a shiny new logo or witty strapline. But skipping this step is like building a house on quicksand. Without a strategic foundation, your creative work might look good at first glance but it won’t stand the test of time. It won’t resonate with your audience, drive action, or achieve the overall impact you’re looking for.

But when you have a solid strategy to build from, you’re not guessing or hoping for the best with your creative expression – you’re designing with confidence, knowing your work is aligned with a defined purpose. Strategy gives your creative team the insights and parameters they need to innovate and experiment within a framework that ensures their ideas will land where they need to.


Our Whole Picture Thinking™ Approach

At Eleven, we’ve seen time and again the difference that a robust strategy can make. It’s why we’ve developed our Whole Picture Thinking™ model, a framework that ensures every creative project we undertake is rooted in a deep understanding of our clients’ challenges, goals, and audiences.

Whole Picture Thinking™ is about seeing all of the granular details that make up the full landscape—understanding the broader context in which our clients operate and the specific needs of their audiences. This approach allows us to create work that isn’t just visually compelling but also strategically sound. It’s a way of ensuring that every creative decision we make is aligned with a clear, overarching strategy.


In the end, creativity is most powerful when it’s guided by strategy. It’s the key to creating good work that doesn’t just capture attention but also inspires action and drives change.

Ready to jump back into your next project and want our help? Drop us a message.