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A rebrand and positioning strategy for a healthcare charity.

Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity

Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity relies on patients, families, staff and the local community for donations. 

But low awareness of the charity, how to donate, and what the donations were used for was holding them back from reaching their fundraising potential.

The charity asked us to strengthen their brand positioning and marketing strategy to put them front of mind, both internally and externally.

A rebrand and positioning strategy for a healthcare charity.

Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity

Project summary

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand repositioning
  • Brand development
  • Brand toolkit
  • Marketing strategy


We began by holding a series of workshops with internal employees, volunteers and fundraisers from the charity. The key revelation we drew from these was that the charity’s logo held little meaning, even for its employees and stakeholders, while prospective supporters were unsure of the charity’s purpose. Insight from our research led us to a clear positioning that wove together people, impact and local community, and this formed the basis for a comprehensive rebrand.

Our new visual identity ‘Donations that go the distance’ used a continuous line to serve as the primary visual element, to symbolise the journey and impact of the charity. We rolled their new brand out across a suite of assets on Canva, enabling the charity to easily manage some of their own content creation in-house.

We also provided the charity with a communications strategy which provided a series of touchpoints to drive awareness and increase engagement.


The new brand is now live on the charity’s website and is being rolled out across various online and offline touchpoints.

A survey has been shared with staff to gather feedback on the new brand – the results of this will be compared with the feedback on the old brand to determine overall success. These results are expected by September 2024.

"When we started thinking about re-branding the charity, I knew I wanted to use a company that would understand some of the specific challenges we face. I also wanted to work with a team who would be friendly and approachable, as well as professional. With Eleven we hit the jackpot! Everyone we met was invested in the project and went over and above to guide us through the process from beginning to end. As with most complex projects we had our challenges along the way, but the team continued to support us through it. We now have a fantastic new brand which will help us raise our profile and ultimately enable us to do more to improve care and experience for people using local NHS services at a time when they need it most."

Head of Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity

Mid Cheshire Hospitals Trust
